Operation failed. An object could not be found – Fix the Outlook error


Are you getting the following error message in your Outlook 2013/2010/2007/2003 when you try to send a message?

Operation failed. An object could not be found.

This is a very common perspective error that almost all users encounter in their perspective life. As everybody knows, Outlook is considered one of the best email clients and is used by millions of users, but every now and then it generates an error message when it can't handle some request. “Operation failed. An object could not be found.” is the result of such kind of problem.

What is the reason behind this error message in Outlook?

Speaking honestly, there may be dozens of corners that can create such a problem, but some of the reasons are the most popular ones that truly create this error.

1. Corrupted Outlook Profile – This is considered a popular reason behind the above error. Corrupted Outlook Profile refers to PST file or OST file corruption. PST file stands for Personal Storage Table that Outlook uses to save information. It acts like a database but is very sensitive and due to a single broken message, can be damaged. When it gets damaged or corrupted, becomes inaccessible to Outlook, so, Outlook starts generating “Operation failed. An object could not be found error.

2. After updating or updating Windows – Recently, Most of the users complain that after upgrading Windows from Windows 8 / 8.1 a Windows 10, start getting Outlook error.

How to fix the failed operation. Couldn't find an object in MS Outlook?

Here, I am giving you a tested solution to correct this error and if you apply them correctly, you will definitely eliminate this error yourself.

Method 1: Fix using Stellar Outlook repair tool

Stellar Outlook Repair Tool is an advanced software that is specially designed to fix Outlook related problems. When you run this program, automatically start scanning Outlook and PST folder / OST and lists all the reasons that are creating problems in Outlook. Thereafter, gives you a single button to fix all problems.

3 steps to fix this error

It not only fixes Outlook errors, it also recovers permanently deleted emails, items sent, Contacts and other Outlook items. If you really want to fix Outlook problems with ease, leave it to the professional Outlook repair tool.

Method 2: create a new Outlook profile

Paso 1: Click on Start Menu and go to Control Panel. In settings, I searched mail. Click Mail to open Outlook mail settings.


Paso 2: In the Outlook mail settings assistant, click on Show Profiles button ….


Paso 3: Click on Add button to add a new profile. Please enter your name New profile and click OK.


Paso 4: In the Add a new email account , enter descriptive name, email address and password.


Paso 5: In the following windows, Outlook starts configuring the email account automatically. Once the email accounts are configured correctly, you can download all your emails and other items from Microsoft exchange server or IMAP.

Method 3: Ejecute Scanpst.exe

Scanpst.exe is an amazing free tool to fix Outlook related problems. It becomes very useful, especially when the Outlook data file is more than 5 GB. Repair pst file and ost file both. You need to run this tool multiple times until you see no error on the screen. Here, I give you the steps to run scanpst.exe or the inbox repair tool.

Paso 1: Go to the next location to open the file SCANPST.EXE. The road can be mild

C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice15


Paso 2: Double click on Scanpst.exe to start. Browse PST file to scan. You can find the pst file at the following location:

Outlook 2007 and earlier

Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2019 y Office 365
C:Users%username%DocumentsOutlook Files

Paso 1: Click on Start to start scanning and repairing.


Method 4: fix system error

Most of the time this error is generated by internal system problems such as missing dependent dll files, duplicate or invalid registry entries, outdated system drivers, obsolete windows, malware attacks etc. In this situation, PC optimization through advanced system repair tool can fix this error easily.


In this post, I explained how to fix “Operation failed. An object could not be found” error de Outlook. By applying the above method, you will be able to fix this error easily.

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