6 Ways to Fix MS Office Install and Uninstall Error Code 30180-4


When installing or uninstalling Microsoft Office, you may receive the following error code on your screen:

Something went wrong
We're sorry, we couldn't install Office. Make sure you are connected to the internet and try the installation again.
Error code: 30180-4

When the installer faces this problem, it breaks with the above error message and to finish you cannot install and uninstall MS Office 2010/2013/2016/2019 or other office app. Here, in this post, i will tell you all about this error, including how you can fix this problem effectively.

Why do I get the error code 30180-4 de MS Office?

There are so many reasons that can cause this problem. Some of them are missing system files, broken registry keys, broken system components, firewall or antivirus blocking installation, proxy blocking, etc.

How to fix MS Office installation error 30180-4?

There are several areas that you need to modify to clear this error from your PC. Here, I list some of the most useful methods to fix this problem.

Method 1: fix with advanced system repair tool

As I mentioned previously, most of the common reason behind this problem is missing or broken system files, broken registry keys, outdated Windows driver and components and Trojan / virus / spyware is running inside your PC. Advanced System Repair Tool scans the entire PC and later discovers and fixes all Windows problems. When using this tool, you will be able to install or uninstall ms office without having the Error code 30180-4.

Method 2: Try the offline installer

If you are installing MS Office Online, there is a chance that your antivirus or firewall will block incoming files from the server. In this situation, you will not be able to install MS Office properly and it ends with 30180-4. To overcome this situation, Why don't you try the offline installer? Just go to the Microsoft web portal and download the offline installer for the Office product you want and then install it..

Method 3: try direct installation instead of network installation

If you are trying to install Office on a home network / private network / public network, like in your school or in your office, it is possible that you also receive the same problem. Just copy the original installation file to your local computer and then try to install. Most likely you will not have any problems.

Method 4: disable proxy settings

If you are using a wired connection, it is recommended to temporarily disable proxy settings. You can disable proxy settings as follows:

Steps 1. Ir Home> Settings> Network and Internet and on the left side menu click Attorney.

Steps 2. Disable automatic proxy configuration and use the config script.

proxy settings

Method 5: temporarily disable antivirus and firewall

Despite this, it is not always recommended, But you are facing so much Office installation error that you can try to install applications by temporarily disabling antivirus and firewall. Don't forget to enable it again after successful installation of MS Office components.

Method 6: fix uninstall problem

If you are facing this error while uninstalling Office, you can download the next uninstall tool. You can download this little tool from the Microsoft web portal.

Download: https://aka.ms/diag_officeuninstall
More information: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2739501


In this post, I tried to explain what it is MS Office installation error code 30180-4 and how to solve it effectively. If you have more solutions to fix this problem, share your valuable knowledge in the comment section.

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