7 awesome ways to fix the error code 651 – Network connection troubleshooting


You are receiving Error code 651 when trying to connect to the internet? Error code 651 it is related to network connection and when you get this error, you may not be able to connect to your LAN and Internet connection. In this post, I will tell you some guaranteed ways to fix this error message.

Error 651: the modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error


Solution 1: Fix with Advanced System Repair Tool

Mainly because the system file is corrupted or misconfigured, cause this error. There are many dependent files and services on Windows PC that are responsible for running the network connection smoothly. If one of these files gets damaged, is removed or replaced by other software, you may get the error code 651. To fix this problem easily, you should use Advanced System Repair Tool.

Solution 2: Run the network troubleshooter

Network troubleshooter resets all settings and fixes network problem. You can run the network troubleshooter as follows:
1. Ir Look for and type Identify and repair.
2. Please select Identify and repair network problems.
3. It will automatically start scanning and fix the problem.

Solution 3: Restablecer TCP / IP

TCP reset / IP is the best way to repair network error 651 O Device driver error 651. These are the steps to TCP reset / IP on a Windows PC.

1. Open command prompt as administrator
2. Paste the following text in the command prompt and press Enter.
netsh int ip reset
3. Restart your computer. After restarting the PC, it is feasible that you do not get Error code 651.

Solution 4: update the driver software

Update network driver to correct this error. Ir Device administrator and select your network adapter. Click on it to expand and then right click on it and select Update.

Solution 5: restart everything

Restart everything to correct this error. Restart the modem, router, switch, network devices, PC and other devices, disconnect the ethernet cables, etc. Later, reconnect the ethernet cable and boot all devices.

Solution 6: temporarily disable the firewall / antivirus

Temporarily disable antivirus and firewall. The firewall is designed to block the incoming suspicious connection. Examine the error after disabling Firewall and Antivirus.

Solution 7: uncheck Set as default alternative

1. Ir Control Panel> Red and Internet> Network connections
2. The right button of the mouse on Broadband connections [WAN Miniport(PPPOE)] Y uncheck set as default.


This post tells you how fix Windows network error 651. Despite this, plus there are dozens of alternatives to correct this error and if you found any clever way to fix it, certainly share your ideas in the comment box.

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