The 3 Top Ways To Fix Windows Update Error 10 80072ee2


In this post, you will know how fix windows update error 10 80072ee2. You will also know the reason and the problems behind this problem.. You may have this problem when you go to update Windows 10 or Windows upgrade 7/8 a Windows 10. It is one of the most popular update errors faced by hundreds of users around the world..

This error mainly occurs when some of the system settings are changed in the registry file or some important system files are removed or replaced while installing other third party software or device drivers. Fortunately, there is a dedicated tool available that can fix error 80072ee2 automatically.

Solution 1: repair 80072ee2 via advanced system repair

The most common reason behind Windows update failed is corrupt or damaged system files like DLL files, exe files, sys files, etc. There are hundreds of small system files that work for specific tasks. If one of the files is replaced, removes or damages, it is feasible that you get Windows update error 80072ee2.

Download and install the advanced system repair tool and scan your PC. Has the large database with 25 million files. It will find all the corrupted or deleted system files and reinstall them with the new one. Later, optimizing with advanced system repair tool, try installing the windows update again.

Despite this, if you don't want to use the repair tool, you can try to follow the repair methods to fix it yourself.


As Microsoft stated that this error occurs due to a faulty internet connection, try to get a stable and faster internet connection to fix this problem. Despite this, I know well that you have a good Internet connection and that there is no problem with Internet connectivity, still have this problem.

2. Disable antivirus and firewall:

You must disable the firewall and antivirus services temporarily until the upgrade procedure is finished. These services blocked the incoming connection and caused the error code 80072ee2.

3. Windows Update Troubleshooter:

This troubleshooter can play an important role in fixing error 80072ee2. If you haven't used it, do it. Here are the steps to open the Windows Update troubleshooter.

a. Open Control Panel and type Problem solving in the search box.
B. Below Security system, click on Fix problems with Windows Update.
C. Click next to start the troubleshooter. Wait a few times for the troubleshooter to diagnose the problems.
D. If the problem is not solved with this method, go to next solution.

4. Stop the update services and delete the software distribution folder:

I. Stop the update service
a. Open Run command pressing Windows key