Fix the installation error 1920 from MS Office using this trick.


You can find the office error code 1920 when trying to install MS Office 2010 on your pc. Despite this, This error is not limited to MS Office only and you may get this error additionally when adding or deleting any program from your Windows PC, like Windows Server 2008, 2012, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows 10.

Error 1920. The 'Office Software Protection Platform service could not be started’ (osppsvc). Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start the system services.
Error 1920 the service failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start the system services
Error 1920 de Office 2013. Servicio Windows Font Cache Service (FontCache) could not start

The above error appears mainly when,

1. When trying to install MS Office 2010
2. When trying to install MS Office 2013
3. When trying to update from Office 2010 a 2013
4. When trying to install LogMeIn
5. When trying to add or delete any program from a Windows PC.


This problem occurs when the network service account does not have the correct permissions on C: Program Files Common Files Microsoft Shared Office Software Protection Platform.

How to fix the error 1920 Windows Installer?

Method 1: fix with advanced system repair tool

The most common reason behind program installation failed is corrupt or damaged system files like DLL files, exe files, sys files, etc. There are hundreds of small system files that work for specific tasks. If one of the files is replaced, removes or damages, you may get the error 1723 Windows Installer.

Download and install the advanced system repair tool and scan your PC. Has the large database with 25 million files. It will find all the corrupted or deleted system files and reinstall them with the new one. Later, optimizing with the Advanced System Repair Tool, try installing the software again.

Method 2:

To solve this problem, must give the network service account full control over the ‘OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform’ binder.

For Windows XP and Windows Server 2003

Open the Run command by pressing Tecla de Windows + R and paste the following code and then click OK.

cacls “C: Program Files Common Files Microsoft Shared Office Software Protection Platform” / t / e / p “Network service”: F

For Windows Vista

Run the following command in the Run dialog box.

icacls “C: Program Files Common Files Microsoft Shared OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform ” / grant "Network service: F” / t

For Windows 7,8 Y 10

Run the following command in the Run dialog box.

icacls “C: Program Files Common Files Microsoft Shared Office Software Protection Platform” / grant “Network service: F” / t


Method 3:

This method works when you get the error 1920: font cache service failed to start or failed.

Paso 1: Open To run Dialog box.
Paso 2: Kind Services.msc and click OK. The service dialog will open.
Paso 3: Circumstances Windows font cache Services
Paso 4: Double click on it and set the start up write for automatic.
Paso 5: Click apply and exit the service windows.


This post helps you fix the error 1920 Windows Installer under the following conditions:

Error 1920. The 'Office Software Protection Platform service could not be started’ (osppsvc). Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start the system services.
Error 1920 service could not be started. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start the system services
Error 1920 de Office 2013. Service Windows font cache service could not be started (FontCache)

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