Steps to fix Windows update error 10 0X8007042b


You may receive the following error message when trying to install Updates in Windows 10.

Something went wrong. You can contact Microsoft technical support for help with this error. Here is the error code 0x8007042B.

However, this error can appear with any version of the update, but mostly it appears when update windows 10 Of the version 1709 to version 1803. After finishing the update, you will see a list of updates and when you go to update, will eventually end with Update error 0X8007042b. However, this issue is not related to all users and only a few reported this error. Here, in this article, I will list some proven methods to solve this problem.

Method 1: fix using advanced system repair tool

The most common reason behind Windows update failed is corrupt or damaged system files like DLL files, exe files, sys files, etc. There are thousands of small system files that work for specific tasks. If one of the files is replaced, removes or damages, you may get the Windows update error 0X8007042b.

Download and install the advanced system repair tool and scan your PC. It has a large database with 25 million files. It will find all the corrupted or deleted system files and reinstall them with the new one. Later, optimizing with advanced system repair tool, try installing the windows update again.

Method 2: reset windows update

This is the first aid method to use first if any error occurs during Windows update. Resetting Windows Update means restoring all settings and settings to factory default and allows you to download a fresh copy of the update file from Microsoft's server.. Here are the steps to reset Windows updates.

Paso 1: Detenga Windows Update Service, Crypto Service, BITS y MSI Server

net stop wuauserv
net stop cryptSvc
net stop bits
net stop msiserver

Paso 2: Rename the software distribution folder

Ren C: Windows SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
Ren C: Windows System32 catroot2 Catroot2.old

Paso 3: Inicie Windows Update Service, Crypto Service, BITS y MSI Server

home grandson wuauserv
net start cryptSvc
net start bits
net start msiserver

Method 2: rename CBS.Log

Open Run command pressing Tecla de Windows + R and then type the following command and press OK.

% systemroot% Logs CBS

Now Rename CBS.Log to something else and start updating Windows again. If the system does not allow you rename CBS.Log file, then follow the next steps:

Paso 1: Open Windows Services. Kind services on Run dialog and press OK.

Paso 2: Find Windows Module Installer Services and double click on it and set the start type to manual.

Paso 3: Restart your PC and then try rename CBS.Log proceedings. Don't forget to change the startup type to automatic after renaming the file.

Method 3: temporarily disable antivirus and firewall

This is also useful for disable antivirus and firewall temporarily. This third party app follows strict rules and blocks any incoming or outgoing connection that looks different. It also denies the installation of some updates and raises the Error 0X8007042b.

Method 4: Run the Windows Update troubleshooter

Windows update troubleshooter is a tool built into Windows 10 which allows you to troubleshoot any update related issues. This is one of the most useful tools in Windows 10 in Windows update problems. Here's how to use the Windows Update troubleshooter in Windows 10.

1. Ir Start Menu and search Solve problems and select Problem solving in the search result.

2. Click Fix problems with Windows Update. It is under the Security link and system.

3. It will launch the Windows Update Troubleshooting Wizard. Follow the instructions on the screen and click Next. When the process is complete, try installing the update one more time. Most likely you will not get the 0x800706be error.

Method 5: repair Windows file corruption

If any relevant Windows files are missing, is eliminated, damaged or damaged, you will probably get several different types of error messages in Windows 10. However, you can easily fix any Windows file corruption problem using system file checker tool.

1. Open command prompt as administrator
2. kind sfc / scannow and hit enter.
3. wait until the process finishes.

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