Fix cmd.exe application error 0xc0000142 – 6 methods


After installing the Windows update, may suddenly start to receive error code 0xc0000142. This error can prevent you from starting multiple applications, you might get an error message from the program not responding or a cmd.exe application error. Here, in this post, I will explain all the possible causes and their effective solutions. You may receive one of the following error messages:

cmd.exe: application error. The application could not start correctly (0xc0000142). Click OK to close the application.


How to fix Windows error 0xc0000142

Method 1: fix with advanced system repair tool

The most common reason behind application error 0xc0000142 is corrupt or damaged system files like DLL files, exe files, sys files, etc. There are hundreds of small system files that work for specific tasks. If one of the files is replaced, removes or damages, you might get error 0xc0000142.

Download and install the advanced system repair tool and scan your PC. Has the large database with 25 million files. It will find all the corrupted or deleted system files and reinstall them with the new one. Later, optimizing with advanced system repair tool, try to start the program.

Method 2: run the System File Checker tool

The main reason behind 0xc0000142 is corrupted or missing system files. System files can be sys files, ocx files, dll files, exe files, inf files and other file types. If some of these files get damaged, corrupted or replaced by other third-party software, the system starts to crash often and sends an application error. You can run the System File Checker tool as follows:

1. Open command prompt as administrator
2. Run the following commands at the command prompt

sfc /scannow

3. Close the command windows and try running the software again.

Method 3: log file corrupted

The registry file is the very important component in the Windows operating system that maintains the information and settings of all the software, installed hardware and driver. If this file has any bad or bad entries, then this file may behave problematic. To fix this problem, you can restore the log file from the registry backup. If you haven't created a registry backup before, use advanced system repair tool to repair registry problems. Scans entire registry entries in few minutes and repairs the entries.

Change registry entries manually (not recommended)

Despite this, this method is not recommended, but if you feel safe editing the registry entries, you can try this method. It is strongly recommended to keep a backup copy of the log file before applying this method.

1. Open Run Windows by pressing Tecla de Windows + R. Kind regedit.exe and press Enter.
2. Go to the next location:

HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindowsAppInit_Dlls

3. The right button of the mouse in it and select Edit
4. Now double click on LoadAppInit_DLLs and change the DWORD value of 1 a 0.
5. Close Registry Editor and create a Resume.
6. Now try to start the application or install updates. You will not get error 0xc0000142 again.

Method 4: Try clean boot mode.

Clean boot mode disables all third-party applications and services and enables you to run the program in a clean environment. You can start your PC in clean boot mode in the following detailed post.

Step-by-step guide to starting Windows in clean boot mode

Method 5: fix app compatibility issues

There may be chances that your PC does not meet the minimum requirement of the installed application. The application you are trying to run and receives an error message should verify the minimum system requirements of the application. Check for compatibility issues 32 Y 64 bits, memory problems, graphics memory problems, free disk space problems, etc.

Method 6: Restore the operating system

As I mentioned previously, this error is strongly associated with a corrupted system file, a simple system restore can fix 0xc0000142 easily.

1. Ir Start> All the programs> Accessories> System tools and then click System restore.
2. In the next window select “Restore my computer to an earlier time” option and click next.
3. Select the latest backup and restore.
4. Restart your PC and, if you are lucky, fixed 0xc0000142.


The error “Cmd.exe – Application error. The application could not start correctly (0xc0000142). Click OK to close the application “. occurs due to corrupted system files, corrupted log files, missing dll files, etc. If you have a good system optimization tool like Advanced System Repair Tool, then can fix error 0xc0000142 yourself.

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