Fix the error code 1061: the service cannot accept control messages at this time


You may get the following error message when you try to run or start an application or try to connect hardware to the PC.

"Windows could not stop the xxx service on the local computer.
Error 1061: the service cannot accept control messages at this time “.

If you receive this error message continuously, this post can help you a lot to fix this problem.

Why does the error appear 1061?

There are dozens of reasons that can cause this error code. Some of the most common reasons behind this error are as follows:

  1. Damaged system files / damaged
  2. DLL file is missing
  3. Corrupted log file
  4. Outdated driver
  5. Running incompatible software or hardware
  6. Virus infection / troy / malware, etc.

How to fix the error code 1061: the service cannot accept control messages at this time

To correct this error, you must follow the following steps.

Method 1: fix using advanced system repair tool

As I mentioned previously, this error mainly occurs due to corrupted system files, Corrupt registry entries and missing system files like dll, exe, sys, inf, ocx, so advanced system repair tool can help you a lot to fix this error. . This tool scans the entire PC for problems and fixes them with one click.

Method 2: restart the Credential Manager service

If you have the luck, then Restarting the Credential Manager service you can fix this error easily.

Paso 1: Open the Run command by pressing Tecla de Windows + R and later write services.msc and press OK. The service manager window will open.

Paso 2: Look for Credential manager service Y The right button of the mouse in that. Please select Stop to stop this service.


Paso 3: Now the right button of the mouse in this service again and go to Properties. Here, select Startup Type to Automatic and press Apply for button.


Paso 4: Now click on Start to start these services again.

Method 3: repair corrupted system files

Mostly, this error appears due to corrupted system files, so scanning Windows folder with System File Checker tool would be the best idea for fix the error code 1061: the service cannot accept control messages at this time. You can use the System File Checker tool as follows:

Paso 1: Open command prompt as administrator


Paso 1: Paste the following command and press Enter

sfc /scannow


Method 4: use DISM command to repair Windows image

DISM is a command line tool used to repair corrupted Windows image files. When you use the system file checker tool, uses the Windows image to copy the original file and replace it with the corrupted system file. But if there is damage to the Windows image, system file checker tool fails to repair corrupted file. The DISM command repairs the corrupted Windows file and enables you to fix the error code 1061.

> Run DISM command

How to run the DISM command in Windows 7/8/10 / Server


In this post, I tried to explain how can you correct the mistake 1061: the service cannot accept control messages at this time in Windows 10/8/7. When this error appears, can't start various apps and games.

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