3 Ways to Fix Windows Update Error 0x800736CC



Can find Windows error code 0x800736CC when working on your PC. This error can appear at any time and cause problems with your operating system. Mostly, this error affects all versions of Windows 10/8/7 / Vista / XP y Windows Server. Here, in this post, I will guide you on how to fix this error yourself.

Reason behind error code 0x800736CC

Mostly, this error appears due to corrupted or damaged system files like sys files, exe files, ocx files, inf files, dll files, etc. Apart of this, There are several reasons that can cause this error.

  1. Due to corrupted or damaged system files
  2. Due to missing or replaced dll files
  3. Due to misconfigured or corrupted log files
  4. Due to outdated system driver, as well as the Windows operating system.
  5. Due to a broken log file
  6. System files are replaced by other third party software.
  7. Software installation, incompatible application or driver, etc.

How to fix Windows system error 10/8/7 0x800736CC?

As I mentioned previously, this error appears mainly due to broken system files, so repairing corrupted Windows system files can fix this problem easily. Despite this, not easy to find damaged system files manually because there are hundreds of system files, so below I mention some effective methods through which you can easily repair the error de Windows 0x800736CC.

Method 1: fix using advanced system repair tool

You can easily fix this error using Advanced system repair tool. This tool is specially designed to find and correct errors in the Windows operating system.. This tool automatically scans the PC and lists all the problems and fixes them all with one click. It not only fixes computer errors, it also updates all outdated software and drivers, fix the log file, installs and registers corrupted or deleted system files, removes malicious software from PC and improves computer security.

Method 2: Repair broken file with System File Checker tool

System file checker tool is a command line tool that can be run to find and repair damaged or missing system files. It can be run through the line of code at the administrative command prompt. This tool is used to fix minor system problems and if your PC has lost some of the most important files, this tool may not solve the problem. Here are the complete steps to use this system file checker tool.

How to run System File Checker sfc / scannow and fix windows problems

Method 3: use the system update preparation tool

The system update preparation tool is also another good method to correct any errors related to the Windows operating system.. This tool checks the integrity of the system resources and fixes the problem if it finds any problems. You can use the preparation tool for system update as follows:

Use the Windows System Update Preparation Tool 10/8/7 to fix the update error


In this post, I explained how you can fix Windows error code 0x800736CC effectively. This post contains three effective methods to fix this error and once you apply these methods, problems will be definitively solved.

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