5 ways to repair 0x80070570 – Installation error / windows update 10/8/7



While downloading and installing the Windows update, you may encounter the following error message:

Windows cannot install the necessary files. The file may be damaged or missing. Make sure all the files required for the installation are available and restart the installation.
Error code: 0x80070570

In this article, I will explain how you can fix this problem if you receive it continuously.

Why do I get error code 0x80070570?

This error can occur at any time while working on PC and while copying a file, install a software, install windows updates, print a page, connect hardware, etc. There are some common reasons that cause this error.

  1. Corrupt or missing system files like dll, exe, sys, ocx, inf and other protected system files.
  2. Corrupted log file
  3. Outdated driver
  4. installing incompatible drivers and software
  5. Corrupt Windows Update components, etc.

How to Fix Windows Error Code 0x80070570

Here, I give you a unique and tested solution for this error. Apply them carefully and one by one and I hope you can fix this error yourself.

Method 1: fix using advanced system repair tool

Advanced System Repair Tool is the best way to fix this problem. error code 0x80070570. This tool scans the whole PC and lists all the problems, including outdated driver and software, and gives you a single button to fix all those problems at once. This tool also improves PC security by deleting junk files, Temporary files, privacy traces, etc. and increases the speed of the PC.

Method 2: reset Windows Update components

Resetting Windows Update components can be a permanent solution to this error. This method always works great and returns positive results every time. Resetting Windows Update components is not a difficult task and you can do it as follows:

Manually reset Windows Update components

Manually reset Windows Update components

Automatically reset Windows Update components

WUEng.zip – Automatic reset of Windows update components

Method 3: run the system file checker tool

The System File Checker tool is a utility built into the Windows operating system that can be run through the command prompt. It is a command line utility and is used to repair corrupted system files. You can use this utility as follows:

Paso 1. Open command prompt as administrator


Paso 2. Type the following command and press Enter.

sfc /scannow

Paso 3. Wait until the process is finished and close the command prompt.

Method 4: Run the Windows Update troubleshooter

This is the easiest way to fix the update related issue. Just run the Windows Update Troubleshooter and it will automatically find and fix the problem.

How to open and use the Windows Update troubleshooter in Windows 10/8/7 / Vista / XP

Method 5: disable antivirus and firewall

Most of the time, antivirus and firewall block most incoming updates and cause Error 0x80070570. Try updating Windows by disabling antivirus and firewall temporarily and, after a successful update, don't forget to enable these security apps.


In this article, I explained how can you fix Windows update installation error 0x80070570 in Windows 10/8/7 / vista and Windows Server. When applying the methods, you will be able to eliminate this error easily.

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