Fix, repair and resolve 0x800f081f – Windows update error


May you recibe error code 0x800f081f when downloading and installing updates in Windows 10. The error format can look like this.

There were some problems installing the updates, but we will try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information, this can help: (0x800F081F)

Windows could not complete the requested changes.
Error code: 0x800F081F

An error occurred while checking for new updates for your computer.
Error (s) found: Code 0x800F081F Windows Update encountered an unknown error.

In this post, I will explain all the possible ways to fix it.

How to fix Windows update error 10 0x800f081f

Here, I enumerate 6 proven methods to fix this error. Try them one by one and in the end you will find that your problem has been solved.

Method 1: fix with advanced system repair tool

Most of the update failure, included 0x800f081f occurs due to a broken registry key, missing system files / corrupt / eliminated (archivo dll, exe file, inf file, archivo ocx, archivo sys, etc.), outdated or incompatible driver software, the system is damaged due to virus / trojan / malware / spyware and recovered, etc. In this situation, you need to scan and repair the PC using advanced system repair tool. This tool takes care of most of the PC problem with one click.

Method 2: Manually reset Windows Update components

restarting Windows Update Components Manually provide your PC with a clean and fresh environment to download and install updates. There are several facts that cause problems in Windows updates, but when resetting windows update component, one can easily overcome this problem. Here is the detailed guide to Manually Reset Windows Update Component.

Manually reset Windows Update components

Method 3: Repair broken system files with the System File Checker tool

This is a command line tool used to repair broken system files / damaged. If your system has problems due to a missing dll file, archivo sys, etc., then this tool can help you a lot to recover and register this component again.

How to run System File Checker sfc / scannow and fix windows problems

Method 4: Run the Windows Update troubleshooter

The Windows Update troubleshooter scans and diagnoses problems in the Windows Update folder and network. If you find any problem, easily fix it. It is one of the easiest ways to fix update error 0x800f081f.

Paso 1: Click on the Start menu and go to Settings> Update & Security> Fix problems> Windows Update and click Run the troubleshooter.


Paso 2: The Windows Update troubleshooter will start. Follow the troubleshooting steps and finish the procedure.

If you can't find the troubleshooting option, go to the following link and download the Windows Update Troubleshooter.

How to open and use the Windows Update troubleshooter in Windows 10/8/7 / Vista / XP

Method 5: Measured connection turn

If you have activated Metered Connection and forgot it, so that's the reason behind the problem. When you activate Metered Connection, Windows cannot start downloading updates and faces the problem.

Paso 1: Click on WiFi connection in the notification area and click Properties.


Paso 2: Delete measured connection.


Method 6: instalar .NET 3.5 Framework

.NET 3.5 Framework is used to run various applications on Windows operating system. Or your .net installation 3.5 is damaged or facing problems. Reinstalling this may fix your problem. Go to the following link and download .Net 3.5 Framework and install it.


In this post, I explained how can you fix windows update error 10 0x800f081f effectively. Windows Update is a very important thing that installs current security patches and fixes bugs.

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