6 Ways to Fix Error Code 0x80070426 in Windows 10


Could you receive Error code 0x80070426 in Windows 10 when trying to install updates in Windows 10 or when updating windows 10 to a higher version. The error message can be the following:

"There were problems installing some updates, but we will try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information, this can help (0x80070426)

"Could not complete your purchase. Something happened and your purchase cannot be completed. Error code: 0x80070426

“An error occurred in the initialization of the program. If this problem persists, contact your system administrator. Error code: 0x80070426. “

These errors can occur in the following situations:

  1. When you try to download and install updates.
  2. When you try to buy apps from the Microsoft Store
  3. When you update Windows 10 from a lower version to a higher version.

Principally, when you update windows 10 from the lower version to a higher version, Windows Security Essential is replaced by Windows Defender. If something went wrong, both items will be saved on the PC. In such cases, when you try to start Windows Defender, will not be able to start and shows the Error code 0x80070426.

How to fix Windows error code 0x80070426 10?

There are several alternatives to fix this problem, so some of the effective solutions are listed below. I am sure that by applying these methods, you will be able to erase this error effectively.

Method 1: Fix with Advanced System Repair Tool.

Most of the time, this error occurs due to lack of reliable system files like dll files, exe files, sys files, ocx files, inf files, etc. Apart of this, if the system experiences a software conflict, you may get the same error. To correctly correct this error, We suggest you use the Advanced System Repair Tool. This tool is one of the best PC optimization tools that fixes all kinds of errors on the PC and keeps your PC up to date., safe, bug-free and ultra-fast.

Method 2: uninstall Microsoft Security Essential manually

If you have updated your Windows 10 and after that, you are getting the same error, so the best way to fix this error is by removing Windows Security Essential manually.

Paso 1: Stop the Windows Defender service first. Open Task Manager by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESCAPE simultaneously. Go to Service tab and find WinDefend and stop it.

Note: If you are receiving the “Access denied” error message then try to stop it in safe mode.

Paso 2: Ir Control Panel> Programs and characteristics> Uninstall a program and uninstall Windows Security Essential and restart your PC. After reboot, Windows Defender starts automatically and you won't get any Error code 0x80070426.

Method 3: Restore system state using DISM command line tool

DISM son las siglas de Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM.exe). It is a command line tool that simply scans the state of the PC and restores lost or broken system files.
Paso 1: Open command prompt as administrator.

Paso 2: Type or paste the following command and press Enter.

dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

Paso 3: Wait for the procedure to finish. As usual, it will take a couple of minutes.

Paso 4: Now write sfc /scannow at the command prompt and press Enter. It is a system file checking tool that generally finds and replaces missing system files.

Paso 5: Now, restart your PC and you will most likely not get the same error again.

Method 4: Run the Windows Update troubleshooter

If you are receiving error code 0x80070426 when installing updates in Windows 10, Windows Update troubleshooter can help you a lot.

Paso 1: Go to the Start menu and type Fix problems in the search box.


Paso 2: The troubleshooting settings window will open. Here search for Windows Update and click on Run the troubleshooter.

Paso 3: The troubleshooter will start working and search for the problem. Finish troubleshooting and, thereafter, you won't get any update related issue.

Method 5: reset windows updates

With the purpose of fix update error 0x80070426 permanently, you must reset Windows Update components. When you reset this component, will start to download and install a fresh copy of the update files.

Paso 1: Open command prompt as administrator

Paso 2: Type these commands one by one and press Enter to execute.

net stop bits
net stop wuauserv
net stop appidsvc
net stop cryptsvc

ren %systemroot%softwaredistribution softwaredistribution.old
ren %systemroot%system32catroot2 catroot2.old

net start bits
net start wuauserv
net start appidsvc
net start cryptsvc

Paso 3: Now try to download and install the updates again. Most likely, you will not face upgrade related issues.

Method 6: update all installed drivers and software.

After updating Windows 10, all installed software and drivers need to be updated. Most of the time, an older version of software or drivers creates problems with a higher version of the operating system, but as soon as you install the updates, this software if it is back compatible with Windows 10.


In this post, I have tried to explain how can you fix Windows error code 10 0x80070426 easily. I have explained 6 effective methods to correct this error; despite this, if you know any other tricks to fix this problem, you must give your solution in the comment box.

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