Fix it yourself – Technical instructions


However, Error code 0xc1900200 It happens when the installation file does not meet the Minimum System Specification and furthermore you will get this error on HiTech PC when you try to install Anniversary Update. Despite this, if this update error appears due to minimum system requirements, you can easily fix it by updating your PC, but if this error is due to other reasons, you must read all the posts.


You may receive the following error message:

Something went wrong. You can contact Microsoft technical support for help with this error. Here is the error code 0xc1900200.

The most common reason behind Windows update failed is corrupt or damaged system files like DLL files, exe files, sys files, etc. There are hundreds of small system files that work for specific tasks. If one of the files is replaced, removes or damages, you might get Windows update error 0xc1900200.

Download and install the advanced system repair tool and scan your PC. Has the large database with 25 million files. It will find all the corrupted or deleted system files and reinstall them with the new one. Later, optimizing with advanced system repair tool, try installing the windows update again.

Why does the anniversary update fail and cause error code 0xc1900200?

There are some settings you need to apply before installing updates in Windows 10.

1. You should deshabilitar Anti Virus, Defender and Firewall before updating Windows 10. Antivirus, Defender and Firewalls are configured for maximum security against web threats and stop almost all incoming connections. These security applications can create problems when updating Windows 10. After disabling it, try again to install the windows update.

2. Update all old and incompatible drivers: Did you update all the drivers and applications? You must update all drivers and applications to the latest version. Sometimes, older drivers throw error 0xc1900200.

3. Registry update: It is the main area that causes the update error of the 10 windows anniversary 0xc1900200. Registry File is the Windows configuration database that stores all the information of all installed hardware and software. After using a Windows PC for a longer time, the log file fills up with multiple garbage entries. You should use the advanced system repair tool to fix registry related problems.

4. Prueba Clean Boot: Clean Boot is the procedure of starting Windows with only the necessary drivers and software. It works most of the time and you should also try it to fix error 0xc1900200. Here is the detailed, Step by Step, An illustrated guide to starting Windows PC in clean boot mode.

5. Lost file: There must be some damaged DLL files, corrupted or replaced by another program. If one of the dependent DLLs is missing, you will always get Windows update error 0xc1900200. You need to analyze the state of your PC using a standard PC optimization tool like Advanced System Repair.

6. System recovered from virus attack / malware: If your antivirus recently detected and removed any malware or viruses, there are great chances of damaging the health of your PC. The antivirus simply removes the malicious items and does not repair the damage caused by the virus. To overcome this situation, need a good system optimization tool.


In this post, I have tried to tell you all the possible answers to fix Windows update error 0xc1900200. If you found more options to fix this problem, be sure to share your knowledge in the comment section. Thanks!

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