Correct error 6002 – 0x80071772: the specified file is encrypted and the user does not have the ability to decrypt it


The following error message that you may encounter when using the Windows operating system.

Error 0x80071772: the specified file is encrypted and the user does not have the ability to decrypt it.
Error de Windows 6002 – 0x80071772 – The specified file is encrypted and the user does not have the ability to decrypt it

This error generally occurs when you try to decrypt an encrypted folder or you try to remove the encrypted FRP folder. In this tutorial, you will get all the feasible answer to correct this error.


If you want to decrypt the folder or want to remove the encrypted folder, it is highly recommended to use the Ransomware Defender tool. How this tool is designed to handle folders encrypted by ransomware or other sources. You can download this tool from here.