▷ The 9 mejores alternativas a DDMix Downloadsmix


The best alternatives to Downloadsmix

If you are a faithful user of Downloadsmix or DDMix (whatever you want to call it) you want to have other alternatives where to download your torrent files, then these lines are for you because I present you the solution you are looking for.

It's about other alternatives, between pages and applications, hosted on the web They offer a million hours of fun, entertainment and, definitely, a diversity of programming that will keep you trapped in their network. Get to know them right now!

HacksDigitales.com is NOT in favor of illegal downloads. We always respect copyright, so this article is merely informative.

What does Downloadsmix offer (DDMix)?

Downloadsmix is ​​a website where you can access thousands of movies of different categories for free, with HD quality. When entering its portal you will see a gallery full of movie titles that you surely missed when you saw them on the big screen.

This website gives you the opportunity to see all those movies that you could not see and to know new movies. There is nothing better than spending the day in the comfort of your home watching series or any program at the time you choose.

However, We all know the legal harassment these torrent pages are subjected to for extracting free programming and violating the copyrights of the production companies. That is why you should not be surprised if one day you want to enter and close it, in case this happens, know these in advance 9 alternatives to Downloadsmix and keep them reserved from now on.

The best alternatives to Downloadsmix / DDMix

With millions of visits every day, its users all over the world are glad to have this P2P interconnection, that allows them to reach any virtual corner and bring the files they want to download to their monitor, and the best, completely free.

Are among them: Mega Downloads, MegaDownloader, YTS.am, Elite Torrent, Limetorrents.cc, Torrents.me, Torlock.com, BTJunkie Torrent Search y uTorrent, what are you waiting for.

Mega downloads

Mega Downloads is a search engine with many options for torrent files to download, shared between series and films with qualities: HD, FullHD, DVD y CAM. Its portal is designed in such a way that just by entering you can find the latest cinematographic recordings classified by genre..

If you want a movie from yesterday and you know its year of production, falls into this category, but, use your virtual search engine to do it easily. Do you like series? Then select this section where Mega Downloads will show you its entire repertoire. In the tab “Upcoming releases” You will be able to find out about the new publications that are to be seen and thus you will be aware of what is on the way.



MegaDownloader is a page created with its own administrator, which is intended to transfer the files requested and hosted on the Mega website to your computer. When requested, the files are activated and they begin to search between the different sites until they find them, download and store them on your hard drive.

Allows you to pause, stop and resume the download processes you are running, without compromising the quality of the content. With it you can even watch streaming videos without complications. Then, if you are looking for a particular file, you can use this app to find it.


YTS.am is a page where you can search and download movies in quality: 720px, 1080px y 3D. It has a repertoire of more than 11.000 productions divided by genres and a very friendly interface that will make your search easier. Despite its simplicity, represents an excellent alternative to Downloadsmix.


Elite dry

Elite Torrent is a page that is part of the Downloadsmix alternatives that contains a great variety of: films, documentaries, PC games and different programs totally in Spanish. It has been created to download and store torrent files with the help of a proxy since it does not have its own.


Another alternative to Downloadsmix is ​​Limetorrents.cc. It is a page loaded with different torrent file times, What: games, films, song, TV shows and software. As you see, it is very complete and has content for all types of viewers. If you couldn't see the movie that you wanted so much, now you can download it and watch it for free as many times as you want.


Keep learning about the different alternatives to Downloadsmix, How about taking a look at Torrents.me? It is a page of torrent files loaded with entertainment for viewers of all ages. It is characterized because you can index content from many other pages to your own account.


Torlock.com is among the torrent platforms available on the web to download all kinds of movies, including the most popular and others not previously seen on movie billboards. Its presentation is not very flashy, However, content is just show.

BTJunkie Torrent Search

It is an application for Windows computers, Mac and Android., that allow file searches from any database that contains them. Simply type in your search engine the title of the production you want to download and quickly with the BitTorrent administrator to locate it. It is a good alternative to find a wide variety of content between: song, programs, films, books and more.


Alternatives to DownloadsMix
The famous uTorrent – HacksDigitales.com

It is a software with which you can download any large content through the BitTorrent protocol. Is trustworthy, fast and with unsurpassed clarity and sound quality. Use your magnetic links to locate the files on different download sites for downloading and sharing.

Among its most relevant features is the blocking of the connection so that the torrent search on the network is not interrupted. What's more, can remotely command you to download or stop downloading whenever you prefer. With it you can transfer the videos and audios that you want to see and listen to.

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