▷ How to uninstall Windows 10 and go back to W7 u 8.1



Many Microsoft users and followers have rated Windows 10 as one of the most developed operating systems on the market. However, there are those who assure that one of the most popular disadvantages that it has, is the adequate absence of conductors.

To uninstall Windows 10 it is essential that you comply with the following procedure:

Step by step to uninstall Windows 10

Go back to windows 7 u 8, it's possible. Fortunately, this operating system is easy to uninstall.

Backups and pre-download of controls for the various components of your computer are essential. First, keep all the important information you have stored on your computer safe. Plus, downloading the controls will help you make the operation easier, in case Windows does not select these controls automatically and properly.

With this method, some programs or applications cannot be recovered. Therefore, it is recommended to reinstall them manually.

This is the short explanation to remove Windows 10:

1. Update mode

It should be noted that Windows 10 has surprised all users with its new installation strategy. Well, thanks to its update mode, podemos instalar y desinstalar este sistema operativoencima” Windows 7-8.1, for a period of 30 days after migrating to Windows 10. The promotion is completely free and we can reinstall this system, from the settings app.

The correct way to do it is as follows:

  • Click on the start menu and then enter setting

switch from windows10 to windows 7 u 8.1

  • Go to option UPDATE AND SECURITY. Then, left click on recovery section.

  • In case you have installed Windows 10, solo en el modoactualización”, you should see a little tab titled VOLVER AL SISTEMA OPERATIVO WINDOWS 7 / 8.1)”, you will have to click on that button to be able to initiate the change.

After this process, Windows will automatically ask us the reason we have to execute this uninstallation. What's more, will make some recommendations and warnings, before performing this procedure. Such as; remembering the password of the old Windows login to be able to enter and also, reinstalling some programs that will be lost, etc.

Previously, before carrying out the complete uninstallation of Windows 10, it is advisable to do a BACKUP COPY of all the files stored on our computer on an external hard drive or in a storage space in the cloud.

2. Desinstale Windows 10 configuration

This method is also called “clean installation” and consists of removing the operating system from the computer's hard drive. For this, it is essential to follow the following steps:

Backup copy

As mentioned earlier, backup is recommended to avoid loss of personal files. In Windows update mode 10, backups are important, but not essential. However, in a clean facility, they are a mandatory step.

  • Windows 10, gives the user a choice of two types of backups: The modern method: FILE HISTORY, but that only and exclusively is totally feasible for Windows 8.1. Its execution is as follows: Go to settings> click Update & security> Backups> Next, Click the button “Add unit”> Connect an external disk and wait for the copy to complete.
  • Conversely, if you have an old team, I had Windows installed 7, you will have to perform the same procedure: Go to Settings> Update & Security> Backups and then choose Restore.

USB disks to reinstall previous Windows

At the moment, thanks to microsoft, we can get the legal download on the web of the Windows ISO files 7 Y 8.1, thus achieving ease of use and providing a better experience. After downloading these files, you must burn them to a CD or copy them to a USB stick. What's more, you can get the corresponding installation disc from the manufacturer.

The download process provided by Microsoft is extremely simple and, as we have already mentioned, we have two options of operating systems available:

  1. For Windows 7, you will have to have the password or product key, must be valid, it may be the same one that came with our PC. If we don't have it, we can choose to enter the license of Windows Retail 7. After that, we must select the type of version of the download that we want to have, if it is from 32 O 64 bits. Make sure which is the best type that corresponds to you to download, you can find out by applying the following steps:

Go to settings> then select the system tab and then click about> lastly, click on system type.

  1. With Windows 8 installation is less complicated, since this system has an assistant and we just have to follow the steps. Solo, you will have to indicate correctly, what is the architecture and edition of the Windows operating system 8.1 that we want to install on our computer, either the domestic or the professional. With this information, you will automatically activate the Windows you had before the version 10,


After following all the above-mentioned instructions, that will be displayed on your screen, you should pay the utmost attention to the following process. Well, this process will ask what TYPE OF INSTALLATION what you want: customized or updated. You will have to choose the custom option.

Then, each of the existing partitions of the computer will be exited. We just have to select the ones that were installed with Windows 10 and together, remove all content so that you can choose it as a drive and install Windows 7 – 8.1.

Once each step is completed, the clean installation of the operating system that we had before Windows will be ready 10. Which it's, we can restore all the personal files that we had stored, without risking its removal or damage, thanks to the backup you made earlier.

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