Krita for PC – Free download in Spanish


Chalk is a free and open source digital painting software designed by and for illustrators, conceptual artists, comic creators, matte painters and texture artists.

This Photoshop and GIMP competitor focused on drawing and digital painting has tools for rendering, mix colors, double, smooth, transform and more, that work on both graphics tablets and computers.

The free alternative to Photoshop for painting

Unlike Phosothop (PS), Krita is a 2D painting application, not an image manipulation program. In that sense, while PS has more functions in general, Krita has the tools that are relevant to digital painting. When you get used to this software, you will find that it has some features that are not part of PS.

Available in multiple languages, including spanish, Krita offers many common and innovative features to make painting more fun and productive. There are excellent brush engines for drawing and painting, stabilizers for freehand inking, wizards to build a complex scene, a distraction-free canvas mode for smooth painting, clone covers, filter and transform skins for editing and much more.

Covered for Windows

You can exchange files with other applications in many different formats. Actually, the program supports a large number of codecs from other applications such as Photoshop or GIMP.

When starting Krita for Windows for the first time, will not find a new document or canvas open by default. Instead, you will see a welcome screen from which you can create a new file or open an existing document. Once here, you may start drawing on the canvas with the brush, which is selected by default.

The software is being developed by an international community of open source enthusiasts who want a great digital painting application to be as widely available as possible..

Even though the app is free, It has a paid version that you can buy in the Windows store. Thus, you will directly support the development of the application. At the same time, you will have the convenience of easy installation on all your Windows devices and automatic updates when a new version is released.


  • Create amazing 2D drawings and paintings
  • Friendly interface where it's easy to work
  • Expand, turn, reflect and modify the color without editing the image itself
  • Longshoremen with useful tools
  • Create animations that you can export in GIF format
  • Manipulate photos and work with HDR images
  • Various types of layers: smart, vector, Group, clone, Fill, filter and archive.
  • Krita can be switched to Spanish in the Preferences
  • Various types of tools: painting, vector, selection, guide.
  • Opportunity to have multiple views
  • Brush motor with different effects.
  • Raster animation support from version 3.0
  • Attendees, grids and guides
  • Color picker, layer stack, etc.

System requirements

  • Operating system: Windows 8.1 O 10
  • RAM: 4Minimum GB
  • Optional GPU: OpenGL 3.0 the superior
  • Compatible digital tablets: Wacom, Huion, Yiyinova, Surface Pro.

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