Sure Fix & Repair 0xc000021a – Windows blue screen error 10


Windows 10/8/7 Error code 0xc000021a falls into the critical error category and is difficult to repair most of the time. Despite this, There are certain ways that you can easily pass this error code and repair Windows 10/8/7 to its original state. Here, in this post, I will explain what this error is, why it happens and how to fix it.

Details error:
STOP: c000021a {Fatal system error}
The Windows subsystem system procedure terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000005.
The system has been shut down.

The error 0xC000021A is also known as:
STOP 0xC000021A
STATUS_SYSTEM_PROCESS_TERMINATED (State system procedure finished)
HALT: c000021a {Fatal system error}
STOP c000021a

Cause of stop error 0xc000021a

Here, I list all associated reasons that can cause this error. This list will help you discover the true cause of your PC problem.

  1. Misconfigured driver and software: Did you recently install hardware, games, software and drivers and after that started having problems? If your answer is yes, then you can understand why this error appears. Actually, installing incompatible drivers and software replaces original system files and causes fatal error on PC.
  2. Broken log file: As everyone knows, The registry file is the most important file on the PC and editing this file manually can cause serious system problems. Manually or through another third-party application, your PC's log file got broken and, so, your PC cannot start.
  3. Missing system files: It seems that your PC is missing some problems with the system files. This system file can be a dll file, an exe file, a sys file, an ocx file, etc. When these files get damaged, removed or replaced by another program, the system starts up and causes various BSOD errors, including error code 0xc000021a.
  4. Hardware problems: Most of the time, hardware failures also generate the same problem. It can be hard drive, Broken RAM or other piece of hardware. If it is feasible, remove all additional peripherals from the PC and try to start the PC with minimal hardware.

How To Fix Error 0xc000021a And Start Windows Machine Regularly

Here, I provide you with several alternatives to repair and correct this error.

Method 1: use advanced system repair tool

If somehow, can start the PC after several reboots, immediately install the Advanced System Repair Tool and scan and fix problems easily. Once you scan the PC with this tool, lists all problems and gives you a single repair button to repair all those problems. This might be the easiest way to fix BSOD error 0xc000021a.

Method 2: Run the DISM command at the command prompt.

Paso 1: If you are getting the automatic repair window, click Advanced Option and then select Command Prompt.


Paso 2: Run the following command:

Dism /image:C: /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions


Paso 3: Let the procedure finish. Thereafter, run the System File Checker tool using the same command prompt. Run the following command:

sfc / scannow

sfc scan now

Method 3: Restore your PC.

If you have previously created a system restore point, have good luck. You can simply restore your PC to the above point and fix this repair more easily.


Method 4: disable driver signature enforcement

This is another great option to fix this error code.

Paso 1: and a Advanced option> Startup settings. Here, select no. 7 option Disable enforcement of driver signature Y restart your pc.



In this post, I have tried to tell you just one highly recommended method to fix error 0xc000021a. If you get any additional confirmation methods to fix this problem, share your valuable knowledge in the comment box.

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