Guide to Fix Windows Update Error 0xC1900204


You are receiving Windows update error 0xC1900204 when you try to install updates in Windows 10? Windows 10 releases updates on a regular basis that fix too many optimization and security issues. To keep Windows safe and reliable 10, Windows updates need to be installed immediately as they are released.

How To Fix Windows Update Error 0xC1900204

Then, Several common fixes are provided that can help you a lot to fix this update error.

Method 1: Fix with Advanced System Repair Tool.

The most common reason behind Windows update failed is corrupt or damaged system files like DLL files, exe files, sys files, etc. There are hundreds of small system files that work for specific tasks. If one of the files is replaced, removes or damages, it is feasible that you get Windows update error 0xC1900204.

Download and install the advanced system repair tool and scan your PC. It has a large database with 25 million files. It will find all the corrupted or deleted system files and reinstall them with the new one. Later, optimizing with advanced system repair tool, try installing the windows update again.

Method 2. Run the System File Checker tool.

The System File Checker tool is a command line tool that can be easily run at the administrative command prompt. This tool scans the Windows installation and repairs Windows files if it finds them corrupt or damaged.

1. Open Command prompt as administrator
CMD command
2. Type the following command and press Enter
sfc / scannow
sfc scan now

3. Let the procedure complete. Once the task is completed, try to install the app again. Most likely you will not get the Missing msvcp110.dll error.

Method 3: test clean boot mode when installing windows updates.

Additionally, clean boot mode is an effective way to fix Windows update error 0xC1900204. Here is the detailed step-by-step illustrated guide available that will help you to start PC in clean boot mode easily..
Clean Boot Boot in Windows 7/8/10: Step by Step

Method 4: Run the update troubleshooter.

Paso 1: Click on Start Button and search problem solving.
Paso 2: Click on See everything on the left of your screen
Paso 3: Please select windows update and follow the instructions on the screen.

Method 5: Reset the software distribution folder.

The software distribution folder contains all installed update files. If this folder has a corrupted installation file, can prevent your PC from installing the latest updates. Resetting the software distribution folder is a very good idea to fix this problem. Here are the complete steps to reset the software distribution folder.

Paso 1: Open Command prompt as administrator
run command prompt as administrator

Paso 2: Now run the following command one by one.

net stop wuauserv
net stop bits
net stop cryptsvc

ren% systemroot% System32 Catroot2 Catroot2.old
ren% systemroot% SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old

home grandson wuauserv
net start bits
net start cryptsvc

Paso 3: Close the command prompt and try updating again.

In this post, I have tried to tell you some common ways to fix Windows update error 0xC1900204. If you have any better ideas to fix this problem, share your ideas in the comments. Thanks.

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