Fix invalid value for Windows registry error 10: photo apps don't work


Most Windows users 10 recently complained that they are getting Invalid value for registry error when opening photos. This is the too annoying problem when you can't get into your photos. Here, in this post, I will discuss some proven methods to fix this error.

How to fix an invalid value for a registry error

Method 1: fix using advanced system repair tool

Log file corruption is the main problem behind this error. In this situation, you need the advanced system repair tool to fix this problem. This tool easily scans the entire PC and repairs Invalid value for registry with just one click.

Download and install the advanced system repair tool and scan your PC. It has a large database with 25 million files. It will find all the corrupted or deleted system files and reinstall them with the new one. Later, optimizing with advanced system repair tool, try opening the photo with the Windows photo apps.

Method 2: Reset Photos app

Resetting the photos app may be the best solution to your problem. When you reset the photos app, also resets the registry entry.

1. Ir Setting> System> Apps and Features and click “Photos” app.
2. Click on Advanced option and there you will find Restart button.

Method 3: delete the previous registry entry

Despite this, This method is not recommended to the novice user because incorrect editing of this file can cause serious damage to your PC.. You might get the blue screen of death or your PC won't start.

1. Open Run command pressing Tecla de Windows + R. Kind regedit.exe and press Enter. It will open the Registry Editor.


2. Now, find the next location:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Classes Local Settings Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion AppModel Repository Families.


3. Circumstances Microsoft.Windows.Photos folder and expand it. Here, can find 8 entries and it is possible that the old entries are still there.

4. Yes there are 8 tickets, means that 4 tickets are old. Yes there are 4 tickets, means that 2 tickets are old. Remove old entries with previous version.


5. Deleting entries is not easy. You will have to give administrative permission to do so. Right click on Entries and go to Permission and grant administrative privileges.

Method 4: Run the Windows Store app troubleshooter

The Windows app troubleshooter can fix invalid value error for registry easily.

1. Click on Start Menu and search fix problems. Click on Problem solving from search item.


2. Click See everything link in the left panel. It will open the entire troubleshooting menu.

3. Circumstances Windows Store apps in the listing and click on it. Windows Store app problem response will start.

Method 5: Run the System File Checker tool

System File Checker tool is the most impressive way to fix system file corruption problems.

1. Open Command prompt as administrator
2. Run the following commands at the command prompt.

sfc /scannow
3. Wait until the procedure is finished.


In this tutorial, i tried to tell you, how can you fix invalid value error for registry in Windows 10. This error may prevent Windows photo apps from 10 work great.

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