Clean Boot Boot in Windows 7/8/10: Step by Step



Most of the time when installing or uninstalling software, Windows drivers or updates; you should disable all unnecessary services and you should start Windows in clean boot mode to avoid error messages and problems. In this article, i will show you a step by step guide to start windows 7/8 Y 10 in clean boot mode.

A clean boot is a procedure for disabling additional services and starting Windows using the minimum set of startup programs and drivers..

How to perform a clean boot?

To perform a clean boot, you must log in as administrator. You must remember that starting the PC on a clean boot means that your PC will allow you to use only the necessary functions. This mode is used to install drivers and software that conflict with other services. You must start your PC in normal mode after installing an application.

Clean boot of Windows 10

Paso 1: Go to the Start menu and search msconfig. Select System Settings in the search results.

Paso 2: Click on Service Tab and check the Hide all Microsoft services checkbox. Next click Disable all button.


Paso 3: Ir Start up Tab and click Open Task Manager Link.


Paso 4: Ir Start up Tab in Task Manager and Disable all startup items.


Paso 5: Close the Task Manager and click OK in the System Settings dialog and then restart your PC.

Clean boot of Windows 8, 8.1

Paso 1: Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search.

Paso 2: Kind msconfig in the search box, and then tap or click msconfig


Paso 3: Ir Service Tab and select Hide all Microsoft services checkbox. Thereafter, click on Disable all button.


Paso 4: Ir Start up Tab and click Open Task Manager Link.


Paso 5: Ir Start up Tab in task manager, select each item and click Deactivate.


Paso 6: Search for Task Manager and click OK to the System Settings dialog and then restart your computer.


Clean boot: Windows 7 and View

Paso 1: Click Start and type msconfig in the search box and open msconfig.


Paso 2: Ir General Tab, click on Selective start option, and then click to clear load start items checkbox.


Paso 3: Ir Service Tab and select Hide all Microsoft servicesand then click Disable all button.


Paso 4: Click OK and restart the PC.

Whats Next?

When you restart your PC, you will be logged into a clean boot environment. Now, can install software, drivers or updates without getting error messages. After finishing work, you must restart your PC in normal mode. Here is the simple step to start the PC in normal mode.

Windows 10/8 / 8.1

Paso 1: Open System configuration Searching dialog box msconfig in start search box.
Paso 2: Ir General Tab and click the Normal startup Option.
Paso 3: Ir Service Tab and uncheck Hide all Microsoft services check box and, then, click on Allow them all button.
Paso 4: Click on Start up tab and click Open Task Manager Link.
Paso 5: In Task Manager, enable all your startup programs and click OK.
Paso 6: Restart your PC.

Windows 7 and View

Paso 1: Open msconfig
Paso 2: Ir General Tab and click Normal startup option and click OK.
Paso 3: Restart your computer.


In this tutorial, learned how to start Windows 10, 8, 8.1, 7 and Vista in a clean boot environment. You need to start over in normal mode when you have completed your work.

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