6 tricks to fix the installation error 1309 in Windows 10/8/7


You can get frustrated with Error code 1309 in Windows 10/8/7 o Windows Server. This error is included in the type of installation error and generally occurs when you try to install a software or a driver in the Windows operating system.. Every time, the installation will fail along with the following error message:

Error 1309. Error reading from file: pathfilename.cab. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.

What is the error code 1309 and why does it happen?

Error code 1309 it is an installer error and appears when you extract files, run files or install / uninstall software. The readable meaning of this error is as follows:

Error trying to open source file.

There are several reasons that can cause this error, but luckily they explain 6 methods below that will help you fix this error.

How to fix the installation error 1309?

There are several unique ways to correct this error, but it depends on which area is affected in your system. So, It is recommended that you apply the following solutions in sequence and check the error 1309.

Method 1: fix with advanced system repair tool

Most of the time, the error code 1309 appears due to misconfigured log files, incorrect system settings, wrong file permissions, missing system files as DLL files, exe files, sys files, inf files, ocx files, etc., outdated software and drivers, incompatible software installation, etc. Advanced System Repair Tool takes care of all PC problems and fixes this error with one click.

Method 2: update windows, drivers and software

If you continually get this error when installing any software, you must update your Windows operating system, drivers and other software. Most of the latest software and drivers require the latest version of Windows which contains some additional DLL files. When updating or updating your operating system, you can easily fix this error.

Method 3: repair log file

The log file is like a central database of the Windows operating system. All controller, installed software and hardware relates to this file. If this file gets corrupted or has any misconfigured input, it may not work properly on your PC. If you have a backup, restore the log file using that backup or use Advanced system repair tool to troubleshoot registry problems.

Method 4: repair system files with the System File Checker tool

This is a tool built into Microsoft Windows that is used to repair or recover lost or broken system files. If some of the system files get damaged, get corrupted or replaced by some other program, then this system file checker tool can help you a lot to fix this problem. Here is the way to use the System File Checker tool.

How to run System File Checker sfc / scannow and fix windows problems

Method 5: grant full permission to the installation file

Most of the time, lack of required permit creates an obstacle, but it can be easily fixed by granting admin level permission. It also grants administrative permission to the installation file and later tries to install it.. Here is a great guide that will help you give administrative permission to any file.

Grant administrative permission to any file in Windows 10/8/7 y Windows Server

Method 6: disable antivirus and firewall temporarily

Antivirus and firewall are designed to block the installation of suspicious programs on your PC. Despite this, sometimes wrongly marks your setup file as virus and trojan and blocks the installation and ends up with the error code 1309. You still need to make sure the installation file is authenticated and downloaded from the official site before disabling Antivirus and Firewall. Also make sure to enable Antivirus and Firewall again after installing the file.


In this post, I tried to explain how can you fix installation error code 1309 in Windows 10/8/7 / Vista and Windows Server. In this post there are 6 methods and you need to test each method one by one.

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