What is a default gateway?


What is a default gateway?

Have you ever wanted to connect a computer with other computers on a different network? Then, we will show you how to do it through a default gateway, that is necessary for a computer to request a web page or a network on the Internet.


The default gateway is an intermediary between the Internet and your local home or office network. Through this tool, we can send or transfer information from our computer to the Internet and vice versa. What's more, there are internal gateways to connect computers on the same local network. These doors, also called in the computer world, Gateway devices, are commonly configured as a computer equipment.

The data exchanged between networks is carried out in IP address processes. Often, on the default gateways, they go with an IP address that is encoded in O This is necessary for the internet connection.

Wi-Fi modem devices have these types of gateways by default, that allow the possibility of connecting to cellular mobile devices, computers, touch tablets, among other electronic devices. This is the local network we mentioned earlier.

Role of a default gateway

Data transfer using a default gateway

It is the retransmission of continuous data to the Internet and then return to the origin where the data request was sent, in this case to the computer. As a result, achieves the revolving effect of the continuous data request sent, until it is received on the Internet to resend the requested data. It is a process that is repeated frequently until reaching the desired destination of the other Internet network.

In the procedures for sending and forwarding data, enter the elementary function of the IP address.

What is an IP address?

The acronym IP is “Internet protocol”, a simple communication protocol between networks, to be able to give an identification to each connected user.

There are types of IP: public and private. Publics are of a business nature for telecommunications services and are used to identify themselves on the Internet itself. Private IPs are the domestic connections that we all have in our homes, through devices such as Wi-Fi routers.

How many default gateways are there?

There are two types of default links:

  • In small networks, like those of our homes, only a simple broadband router is used to provide internet access. Routers work with a default gateway and also have an IP address.
  • On the other hand, There are default gateways that route to the ISP site.

Default gateways can be configured using a computer as a router site. These use two adapters connected to a local subnet and one to an external network.

Default gateway location

In certain cases, there are connection errors and you need to make some changes to the router. In Windows operating system, can locate the IP address of a default gateway of a computer, using the ipconfig command system.

CUT TO SLICES: You must go to the beginning that is in the taskbar, and write in the tab search programs: the word IPCONFIG and then open the link with the required information.

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