How to see which ports are open in Windows


How to see which ports are open in Windows

Technology advances by leaps and bounds and the exchange of information and communication through computers is increasingly common. All this is possible through ports, that they are nothing more than information entry and exit points that are shared with other teams. The existing ports are numerous and that is why we are going to show you how to see which ports are open in Windows 7, 8 Y 10.

How many ports are there?

exists 65.536 ports through which data exchange can take place. The number assigned to each port reveals its function, availability and compatibility. These fall into three broad categories:

  • Varies from 0 a 1023, available for various applications in protocols widely known as POP, HTTP, IRC, Among many others.
  • Between 1024 Y 49151, known as “registered”, these ports can be used by any application.
  • Between 49152 Y 65535, what are the private ones also known as dynamicand are used to connect to a server through some application.

How to see the ports that are open?

At the moment, the number of Internet users has increased significantly. It is becoming more and more common to find in most homes, local and institutions the use of routers to provide Internet service.

Most of the routers available to users on the market come with a default setting that blocks most of the ports for security reasons., mainly those that are quick and easy to install. That may affect the operation of some programs, services or games that may be installed on the PC and that require specific ports to run smoothly.

Checking which ports are available is a very simple procedure. It doesn't matter what version of Windows it is, either 7, 8 O 10, the steps are the same.

  • The first thing is access the Windows start menu, located in the lower left quadrant of the screen.
  • After expiration enter control panel.
  • Select system and security, generally this is the first icon that appears ordered among the options.
  • Once inside, choose the Windows Defender Firewall option.
  • The window will display a series of options arranged on the left side of the screen, there must click Advanced Settings.
  • later a new window will be displayed called Windows Defender Firewall with advanced security.
  • You can see the overview of the available profiles.
  • Select the first item located in the menu available in the left part of the window called 'Inbound Rules’.
  • Will unfold a list of all ports that are available, regardless of your status. This process may take a few seconds while the PC updates the list.

Port activation

And it's that simple, simply by following the steps above you can see the ports that are open.

You can also activate the ports you want, which is done from the same Windows Defender window. But in this case You must access the option ‘New rule’, located on the right side of the screen and then perform the following steps:

  • Will unfold the window called Rule Type.
  • The system will ask you what type of rule do you want to create ?, giving as options: Program, puerto, predefined and custom. Option must be selected Puerto.
  • In this way the protocol and ports will be entered. Select TCP there, this being the rule that is generally applied, unless the use of UDP is specified.
  • You can choose between all local or specific ports, where the number of the port to activate should be placed, there you can put any port number.
  • later Allow connection must be selected and this will guide you to the related screen (domain, private or public), the option to select the options you want is allowed.
  • Later we proceed to place the name, which depends on the user and a description which is optional.

Simple and fast procedure

Following the steps above all open ports can be verified in the windows ‘Inbound rules’ and 'Outbound rules’. There you can see the status of each one and if it is a public or private profile, whether it is enabled or disabled, the programs and addresses that may have them, among other options.

If it is to see the open ports of the router, is reviewed through the website of this. If you don't know what it is, can enter through the 'run' option, typing the command 'ipconfig’ and the number to be placed in the preferred search engine will appear, this will redirect you to the main page. There it will ask for the password and you can enter it.

Later, You must enter the advanced options section of the page, click on the NAT option (network address translation), where you must select the option ‘SUA only’ and edit the details. Then a table will be displayed where you will see all the input and output ports and a section for the IP address.

There we will have to put the address that was previously obtained when it was searched with the command execute ‘ipconfig’ and then save the changes. That's all, in this point all ports are open.

It is important for the correct functioning of the PC to know which ports are available and the status of each of them., since all programs that require an Internet connection to function use TCP protocols / IP, which allows to establish the connection to the local network. Getting it is very simple, you just have to follow the steps explained above.

There are also several scanners available on the web pages that allow you to quickly and easily see which ports are open on the computer by applying a test. It is important to monitor open ports because Thus, identification of unauthorized software is facilitated and / the malicious..

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