Descargar Windows 8.1 Pro (ISO 32 Y 64 bits) in Spanish


Windows 8.1 It is Microsoft's operating system prior to Windows 10 the one that fixes bugs and adds improvements to Windows 8, the version that completely changed the interface and said goodbye to the classic start menu.

The ISO is a version Multiple editions with the update 3, which means it includes all editions, both the most basic and the Pro, that differ in the functionalities and security they offer.

Windows 8, the reinvention of Microsoft's operating system

Released in October 2012, Windows 8 is an operating system focused on touch screens that completely changes the interface of the operating system, with virtual desktops, metro apps and removal of the classic start menu.

Although this system brought improvements over Windows 7 (like a much faster startup and less resource consumption), the new design did not end up convincing users.

Upgrade 3 Windows 8.1 it is an important update that fixes the errors present in Windows 8 and bring back the acclaimed start menu.


The new operating system looks and feels almost the same, but its many small tweaks attempt to bridge the gap between the mouse and the touch screen.

The first time you start the desktop in 8.1, you will see the return of the traditional start menu. Although initially it only acted as a portal to toggle between the desktop and the home screen, Microsoft brought it back later, but with the metro and live tiles applications as protagonists.



Windows 8.1 Pro improves touch and desktop user interface, offers new search functionality and includes many improvements.

Touch gestures: the operating system was designed for touch devices. However, with the update 8.1, decided not to bypass mouse and keyboard users.

New interface: Despite not being that popular, amazing start screen user interface enables a whole new Windows experience.

Live tiles: apps that display information without you having to open it.

System-wide search: Search for files, Specific apps and settings directly from the home screen.

Update and reset: Microsoft now offers a very easy way to update or reset your PC. No longer will you have to delete individual files or use third-party programs to troubleshoot system errors.

Configuration Synchronization: Regardless of the PC, tablet or laptop you use, you can sync your personal settings as long as you sign in with the same Microsoft account.

Multiple task: Windows Store apps, which by default are in full screen mode, they can also be adjusted side by side to perform two tasks at the same time.


Anchor anything: The home screen isn't useful just for its live tiles and customization. It also serves to pin specific websites and particular sections of the applications.

Share everything: If you can share something, Microsoft wants you to share it. When in an app, open the charms bar and tap the Share button.

Task Manager: the tool has been completely redesigned and is faster than before. When I start the program, you will see a complete list of everything that is running on your device, separated by sections: Applications, background processes and Windows processes.

Keyboard shortcuts: Although the system is designed for touch devices, now you can take advantage of it if you use a traditional mouse and keyboard. Microsoft has enabled several useful keyboard shortcuts: Win + C (open sidebar), Win + D (show desktop), Win + H (go to share option), Win + F (open search box) and more.

System Requirements

  • Processor 1 GHz or faster PAE compliant, NX y SSE2
  • RAM of 1 GB (32 bits) O 2 GB (64 bits)
  • Hard disk space 16 GB (32 bits) O 20 GB (64 bits)
  • Microsoft DirectX graphics card 9 with WDDM driver

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