Application to measure engagement on Instagram



Calculate Instagram engagement (IE) with GamGage, the only application you need to know how engaged the followers of an Instagram account are with their publications.

With this free app you can:

  • Measure the engagement of any Instagram profile.
  • See the mean of I like you and comments obtained.
  • Know how often a post is published.
  • Get the most used hashtags in the descriptions.
  • See them mentions made in the latest posts.
  • Compare two Instagram accounts.
  • and more.

Thus, it's possible find out if the followers of an account are real or not. And if they are, know how often they interact with your posts or if it is an inactive audience.

What is Gamgage?

Gamgage is a free Android application for calculate engagement of any Instagram account, either yours or that of a brand or influencer.


For it, the application takes into account a series of data from the Instagram profile to be analyzed (as long as it's a public account), for example:

  • I like you from the latest posts.
  • Comments on recent posts.
  • Number of followers.
  • Date of last publication.

Then use a formula to calculate Instagram engagement (IE) based on the interaction of followers with the latest posts, giving more weight to the comments that I like.

Calculate Instagram participation of any profile

On social media, engagement is a measure of evaluate the interaction, commitment or participation of users with a profile.

This measurement is very important as it allows you to know, based on the comments and likes obtained, how much your followers love your content, products or services. Well, It is useless to have a large number of followers if these do not interact or show little interest in the posts.

For this reason, it is necessary Get to know Instagram Engagement (IE) and then compare it with other similar profiles.

Gamgage allows you to do this quickly and easily, as its creator explains in this article about how to measure engagement with GamGage.

After entering the username of the Instagram account to be analyzed, the app will show the value of the Instagram engagement obtained and other interesting facts, as the average number of likes and comments received.


What's more, to get an idea of ​​whether the percentage obtained is good or bad, Gamgage tells you if you are below or above the average of all calculated EIs.

Although it must be borne in mind that, depending on the category to which an account belongs, this value may be different. In that sense, It is important to use this value to compare it with other accounts in the same or similar sector.

Hashtags, mentions and frequency with which a post is published

The Gamgage app doesn't just measure IE, it shows you interesting facts about the analyzed account.

One of these data is the Average frequency with which a certain number of posts are published every few days.. This data is accompanied by an interesting graph on the progression of the IE of the last 12 publications.

This lets you know, take a look, which publications have had a greater engagement and which have not.


Other interesting information that Gamgage shows you are the hashtags and the mentions used in the description of the latest 12 publications, as well as the frequency in which they are used.

Thus, it is possible to know if the account follows a certain strategy or if, Conversely, don't pay attention to this utility to gain visibility and followers.


And although you can know this data by accessing your account or that of any other personal or business profile, Gamgage sorts your information to save you time and offers you useful metrics that are not so easy to calculate.

Engagement and follower charts with custom date range

This is one of the main functions of the application, very useful especially for brands and for those who are dedicated to digital marketing.

These are two graphs: one in the engagement story and another about him follower story.

The first graph shows how the account's IE has varied over a range of dates. For his part, the second graph allows you to check how many followers an Instagram account has gained or lost in a given time.


In both cases, will also show you information about the average number of likes and comments obtained.

However, for this to make sense, it is necessary that the IE of an account has been previously calculated in Gamgage. If this is the first time a profile has been analyzed in the application, there will be no history to compare.

On the other hand, you should know that these functions are not included in the free version. To activate these graphics, and also remove the ads from the app, it is necessary to make a single payment (very economical).

Gamgage Profile Comparator

Another feature of Gamgage, which is available for free, is the profile comparer.


When comparing two accounts, preferably similar or oriented to the same audience, you will get the following values ​​for each one: Instagram engagement, followers, tracing, publications, i like average, comments, publications / day, hashtags, mentions and if it is a business account or not.

Undoubtedly, an application that can help you obtain important data to improve your Instagram profile or to know how engaged the followers of an account are.

It can also be very useful for analyze the profiles of influencers and find out if it's a bloated account with fake followers. And in this way, decide if an ad campaign is worth paying you.

For the moment, the app is only available for Android. There is no version of Gamgage for iOS.

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